Management homework help

Discussion 1
Discuss factors that contribute to an ethical work environment in the public sector.  How might a scandal create an environment ripe for positive ethical change in a government agency? In 150 words.
Cite your source(s) and respond to the response below in 100 words.
The purpose of the public sector is to serve the public. Funding comes from taxes and fees that are paid by individuals, and these funds are intended to be used appropriately to serve the public (“Integrity-Ethics,” n.d.). Those who work in the public sector are supposed to make decisions based on the public best interest. Accountability and impartiality are some of the important factors that contribute to building an ethical work environment (“Integrity-Ethics,” n.d.). Public servants must seek effectiveness and take responsibility for the decisions that are made. In the decision-making process, they must be able to assess each decision and find the most efficient way to approach it. The public interest takes priority in this sector and conflict of interest must be avoided at all times (“Integrity-Ethics,” n.d.).
Scandals can be a good opportunity to make changes that will improve ethics in the public sector. Initially, the scandal might create distrusts among the people; however, this also creates the opportunity for those in charge to publicly address these issues. The media exposes irregularities that involve one or multiple individuals which then forces changes (Grimmelikhuijsen & Snijders, 2016). Scandals also bring the need for external auditing of the agency which brings an objective perspective to the situation and sheds the light on areas that need improvement (Grimmelikhuijsen & Snijders, 2016).
Grimmelikhuijsen, S., & Snijders, B. (2016). What happens after the storm? Investigating three conditions under which local governments change integrity policy after scandals. Public Integrity, 18(4), 342-358.
Https:// (2018, August). Retrieved December 09, 2020, from
Discussion 2
In your experience, what are barriers to this process?  How could these be overcome to develop knowledge sharing? In 150 words.
Cite your source(s) and respond to the response below in 100 words.
Sharing knowledge increases the productivity of your team. You can work faster and smarter, as you get easier access to the internal resources and expertise within your organization. Projects don’t get delayed, people swimmingly get the information they need in order to do their jobs. The barrier is if you don’t share the knowledge, work can come to what we call a work stoppage. This is a very big deal being in the military. Knowledge sharing builds continuity. The work doesn’t go undone and doesn’t lack anything because you know what your predecessor knew. When my boss left and went to a new base/location, his new executive couldn’t figure out how he wanted something done because of how it was done at his last base. Well, that executive reached out to me and was very frustrated because they couldn’t figure it out. I had to walk them through the process and teach them how this particular task was done. One of the things that we do in each unit that I work in is to build a continuity book. This book contains all the tasks and procedures about your job/position so when you leave and someone else takes your position they have something to guide them when they get stuck on something. And as things change in that position, you make changes to the continuity book. Knowledge sharing is extremely important in my career field.