Management homework help

In this post, I will mainly analyze the impact of employee engagement and the performance of high-performance work systems in the company on corporate strategic goals and plans. Employee engagement is the degree of employee enthusiasm for work, loyalty to the organization, and discretionary effort (Customer Insight, nd). In an enterprise, employee engagement is necessary to form a high-performance work system (HPWS). The specific combination of human resource practices, work structure, and processes can maximize employees’ knowledge, skills, commitment, flexibility, etc. Ability (Snell et al., 2016).
As a small business owner, managers need to know whether employees are involved in work and their engagement. This is because employee engagement not only improves performance, it also helps make better decisions. Organizations with high employee engagement stand out from the competition. Therefore, in order for business managers to better understand the needs of the organization, managing employee engagement surveys is the key. For small business owners, the most direct and effective way is to talk to employees to understand their work attitude first-hand (Gray, 2019 ). Small business owners can use questionnaire survey methods to measure the performance, strategic consistency, ability, and satisfaction of contributors, which can usually contain 50-80 questions. In addition, from the perspective of data collection, employee engagement measurement tools include Absenteeism rate, turnover rate, etc.
Employees with low levels of engagement are not conducive to the realization of corporate strategic goals. From a productivity perspective, employees who leave are less likely to work hard, have no motivation, or meet expectations for their roles, and they will cause errors and defects in job performance to increase by 60% (Gray, 2019). From a customer perspective, they will cause a negative customer experience. Ultimately, when employees feel disconnected from the company where they work, they are unlikely to see the value of achieving company goals.
When an employee leaves, the organization must defend its intellectual property. In other words, the issue of intellectual property infringement in various social media services needs to be considered. Business managers need to set up security professionals to clarify the responsibilities and ethics of departing employees (Brennan, 2018).
When a company needs to build a successful HPWS, managers need to provide persuasive reasons for changes related to the company’s business strategy. They ensure that the changes are owned by senior managers and direct managers. They allow the allocation of sufficient resources and support for change work. Snell, et al (2016) mentioned that to establish a communication plan, senior management needs to establish an environment for change and communicate the vision to the organization more widely. With the development of globalization, a highly inclusive and diverse corporate culture has become more popular among employees (Waldman, 2016). In other words, when the work environment enables every employee to perform at their best, inclusivity comes into play, regardless of their uniqueness and personal differences.
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There are many different definitions with respect to employee engagement.  According to a survey published in the article How Some Leading Companies Measure Employee Engagement,Retention, and Organizational Culture, ” Most employers believe that it’s somewhat true that the reason their employees work hard at their job is because they feel obliged to do so for the employer. ” How do you feel about this comment?  What affect do you think this has on employee engagement?
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Employee engagement is a comprehensive measure of how emotionally connected employees are to their jobs and how much effort they put into their jobs. Employee participation is not only reflected in the quantitative indicators of business performance, but also a comprehensive evaluation of the efficient communication of information between leaders and employees. Leaders trust and respect each other in good communication with employees, and define the target progress through indicators of employees’ influence and understanding. (Morgan, 2015) At the same time, managers can choose appropriate tools and methods, such as questionnaire surveys and benchmark surveys, to continuously measure the efficiency change and emotional fluctuation of employees’ working status, so as to comprehensively measure the indicators of employee participation.
Good employee engagement can help an enterprise create a positive and active corporate culture, and guide employees to improve their satisfaction and autonomy with their job responsibilities, so as to achieve the purpose of improving production efficiency. Focusing on employee engagement can help you fill the gap between how the company treats employees and how it expects employees to treat customers. Engaged employees tend to be happier and therefore tend to provide a better customer experience. (Engagedly, 2020)
Employee disengagement can lead to low labor productivity, which can lead to negative work emotions and atmosphere. This negative and inefficient work atmosphere will lead to a group effect of employees, from the initial few people leave the company spread to a larger scale and even the entire company. (Eisenhauer, 2020) For enterprises in the manufacturing and service industries, employee disengagement may lead to safety problems such as product quality defects and service process loopholes, which will eventually cause serious consequences and affect the brand image.
There are several ways for managers to increase employee engagement: Firstly, provide more practice opportunities and development space for employees, who can independently consider the opportunities brought by the project and plan their career development direction. Secondly, establish a communication and feedback mechanism that is consistent with the company culture, provide more channels for staff to exchange information and give feedback on problems, and timely find and solve problems. Thirdly, pay more attention to the individual needs and preferences of employees, and provide them with life-like and universal benefits. Google, for example, has a free weekly laundry day for its employees. Fourthly, good managers make sure they get and develop great people — they get the right people on the bus and make sure they’re in the right place. They actively prioritize participation. Their team’s activities fit perfectly with the organization’s mission statement. (Gleeson, 2017)
High employee engagement not only improves concentration and productivity but also reduces absenteeism. Because dedicated employees care about what they do, they recognize the importance of trying to contribute to their employer’s success. This means that employees are always on time for work and work well. (Nahrgang, Morgeson & Hofman, 2011; Harter, et al. 2009; Gonring, 2008). Clearly, engagement plays an important role in determining absenteeism rates. Mr Hart found that absenteeism rates were 37 percent higher in the organizations with the lowest 25 percent engagement. This has broad practical implications for business profits and overall productivity
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As a country that has been “on top” for many years, I think that the U.S sometimes takes it as a failure when other countries rise to the top. However, instead of it being taken as a failure, our country should take it as a sign of advancement. We should be honored, not threatened by our competitors and we should learn to accept the healthy competition, not fight what we don’t understand. In my opinion the trend of other countries attracting more business should not be “bad” for us but it should be motivating. However, the answer the question straight on, it is bad for Americans. The reason why I think the trend is bad for Americans is because we do not know how to work under pressure and create gold. Usually when you know someone is doing better than you, you try your hardest to work even harder to put your best foot forward.
Supply and demand are very important when discussing a country leading in production. Supply and demand are what controls the market in my point of view. According to Lasher (2013), the demand for and the supply of foreign exchange between any two nations stem primarily from trade and the flow of investment capital between those nations. Meaning the rate of supply in one country may be one price plus the cost of exchange to buy into the exchange market. This can be beneficial if market in another country is cheap compared to your usual cost of exchange versus places like the U.S who add different tax to make it harder for other countries to exchange products which results in some Americans choosing to purchase products outside the country where they can get a better bargain. Although this trend is not helpful for American it is understandable in the grander scheme of things.
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