Management homework help

  1. Leadership Strategies for HR
    For this assignment, resume the role and use the same company that you used in your last assignment. Your company must have leadership strategies in place for HR. Your company is holding a leadership training workshop in which you will present leadership strategies to your new HR employees.
    Create a 15–20 slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

    1. Provide the company’s mission statement.
      • Write one if you are using an imagined company.
    2. Explain why the HRM function is important to employee management and labor relations.
    3. Explain 3–6 leadership strategies that HR will use for conflict management, communication improvement, employee motivation, and behavior improvement. Provide a rationale for your choices.
    4. Discuss how you plan to measure the effectiveness of each leadership strategy.
    5. Include speaker’s notes or record audio for each slide, as if you were actually presenting in front of your new HR employees.
    6. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
    7. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. For support creating your PowerPoint, view the Strayer Writing Standards slideshow and Linkedin Learning’s Adding Speaker Notes. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
      The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
    • Examine leadership strategies used for conflict management, communication improvement, and employee motivation.
    • Attn: For Week 6 Assignment 2, please check out my assignment announcement instructions below.
      Hello My BUS302 Students!
      Please check out my lecture video on the Week 6 Assignment 2 before you start working on it. I go over the entire assignment from start to finish. I’ve also created a template in MS PowerPoint that you can submit your assignment on. The template is set up for each section you need to discuss, you just need to plug in your information delete my information. Please make sure you add at least 100 words in the speaker notes to each slide and do not record any audio. Your speaker notes will be what you are graded on per the grading rubric/scale. I wish you well on this assignment!Week 6 Asignment 2 Template and Instructions.Final.pptx
      Click on the MS PowerPoint template to download so you can submit your work on it. Please delete my instructions off the template before you submit it.
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