Management homework help

Part One: Complete a written case study of a formal community-organization partnership. Formal community-organization partnerships may be existing service opportunities that your company/organization has already established. For instance, many companies engage a Habitat For Humanity partnership. Professional sports teams like the Titans may work with the Children’s Hospital on a project. The Salvation Army partners with others and others with them in community engagements. Often it is the effort of an organization or corporate entity to connect with the communities around their physical footprint. An in-person site visit and interview is encouraged, where feasible. The case study should be 750 to 1000 words in length and must include:

  1. A detailed description of the partnership
  2. Goals and objectives of the partnership
  3. How the partnership furthers the organization’s mission, vision, and values
  4. Anecdotal information that describes the activities and outcomes of the partnership

Prepare your case study using Microsoft Word, 12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced. Use the following criteria to save your file: last name_first name_case study_part 1.docx. Click the title to open the assignment link and select Browse My Computer to attach your completed Microsoft Word document. Adhere to the following for this assignment: