Marketing Case Study (Nestle Ice Cream In Cuba)

Each course participant will hand in one independently written case analysis report.  Each write-up should be restricted to 6 pages- double-spaced, normal 12 font  (includes the executive summary but excludes tables, exhibits, etc.). .

Make sure you address all the assigned case questions (already posted as a Bb Learn announcement and sent out as an email) as part of your analysis and include an executive summary (1 page) at the beginning of the case analysis that briefly summarizes the case’s main issues and the marketing decisions you have made and the rationale behind those decisions.

All individual case write-ups are due to be submitted by 6 pm (EST), Thursday, July 21, in the Bb Learn Assignments Dropbox. Late submissions will not be accepted.


Case discussion questions:

1. How would you characterize the operating environment for foreign firms in Cuba?

2. Has Nestle’s ice cream business in Cuba been a success? Use available data from the case to estimate Nestle-Coralac profits to support your answer?

3. How can Nestle position itself for future success, given current market position and potential changes on the horizon?

4. What are the prospects for future investment and economic growth in Cuba?