Marketing homework help
During the research process, each person in your group will have shared and discussed what you found. There may also be research you found that your group didn’t use. You may use all of that research – personal and group sources – to write your report. You may also use research outside of what your group uses in the presentation. The report should be at least three and a half full pages in typical business report format, which is single spaced with one line space between paragraphs, as well as headers to indicate the different sections. See the example if you need a visual. You should include at least one business appropriate infographic in your report, one of which must be the infographic your group created. However, graphics should not take up any more than one-sixth of your report (1/2 page of a 3-page report). In addition to the three pages, the report should also have a separate cover page. All sources in your report (including graphics you don’t make yourself) need to be cited using either APA format or full footnotes. You should include the following sections in both your report and presentation: Cover Page Background In this section, provide the purpose of the report. The main focus of this section is to provide background information about the problem in a general sense (this might be derived from your own general observations, as well as what you’ve read about in business journals or business newspaper articles). Explain how large the problem is using statistical and descriptive information, and scope and time frame of the issue. You should also provide background information about how this problem affects the industry(ies) you are focusing on in general and the economy as a whole. Paraphrase and cite all of your outside sources here rather than quote. Case Studies In this section, you will include the experience of at least three businesses, entrepreneurs, or workers. You will explain in a detailed manner — with specific examples — how the problem discussed in the first section has presented itself, what the effect on the businesses/entrepreneurs/workers have been, and how they are managing or ameliorating the problem (making the problem better) (or not). What has worked for them and what hasn’t? You should use statistics and quotes, if possible, in your case studies. You may use yourself as a case study, if applicable and after consulting with me. Be sure that the problems presented in the case studies match the specific problem introduced in the Background section. Potential Solutions In this last section, think of yourself as a business consultant. Evaluate the various solutions to the problems that people have tried. Explain which solutions you believe would be the most effective and why they would be the most effective, or explain which combination of strategies you believe would help. Make sure the solutions you discuss and evaluate actually address the problem in the problem section. In addition, you may offer solutions that no one may have suggested and explain how those solutions might make the problem better in the short and long run. Click here to see an example paper. Endnotes If you did not use footnotes, an endnote section should be used. 7 Potential Sources The following sources can be used for your presentation and paper. At least one source from the Mergent database (in the Business library section) is required. All sources must be no older than three years old. Case studies must be from the last 18 months. ● Business database (in SFSU library): Business Source Complete ● Required: Business profiles (in SFSU library): Mergent Online ● The Financial Times ● The Wall Street Journal ● ● ● ● ● ● Al Jazeera1 ● The Guardian ● Self-Created Surveys/Interviews* (see me if you plan to do this)