Marketing homework help

Description of the Assignment: Refer to what your instructor wants you to do and/or to submit, as detailed below in the Deliverables section. Include the real-world (authentic) situation, type of task to be accomplished, and the sorts of higher-order thinking (analysis, reasoning, critical thinking, etc.) that were requested and/or shared throughout your course thus far.


Consider the following while watching each commercial and address:

What message(s) (stereotypes, cultural values, etc.) does each commercial seem to convey. Explain examples.

Do you feel any of these commercials use psychological tricks in their advertising? Explain.  (Lesson 6)

Do you believe any of these commercials could potentially influence consumer buying behavior? Explain. CLO 3

Do you believe any of these commercials help shape a brand image that is etched in consumers’ minds? Explain. CLO 4

At the beginning of the paper, you must say which television show you watched (e.g. “NCIS” on live TV, channel 2, Tuesday, [date]), and list the commercials you saw, in chronological order. Pick three and only three commercials from that list to analyze for your paper. If you watched a show on the Internet, you must again say the name of the show and include the URL for it, so that I can watch it also, if I wish.