>Marketing homework help

 INTERNET MARKETING Final Project DIGITAL MARKETING PLAN STEP 1 Your capstone project is designed to have you apply what you have learned in this course to a fictional product (good or service). Over the course of the semester, you will build your internet marketing plan in five steps. You’ll receive feedback for each part, to be included in your final submission. • It will be more meaningful if you choose a venture that interests you. • The venture must be retail, designed for the consumer market (B to C). • It must be legal. • The product can be YOU if your venture is selling your art, or books, or services as a makeup artist, hair stylist, doctor, masseur, etc. • Use your imagination, but your venture/plan has to be plausible. STEP 1 Answer the following questions using careful thought and imagination (REMEMBER TO NUMBER YOUR ANSWERS): 1. Describe your venture: a. What is your company’s name? b. What is your mission? (Statement of purpose.) c. What good(s) or service(s) are you marketing? 2. Conduct an audit: a. Organization Review (Strengths and Weaknesses) b. Competitor Evaluation: Pick three competitors. (Use the digital 7C’s as a starting point, but make sure you address strengths and weaknesses) c. Customer Digital Persona for your target customer (demographic, psychographic, webographic) i. https://www.hubspot.com/make-my-persona may be helpful d. Macro-environmental analysis i. Political ii. Economic iii. Social iv. Technological v. Legal vi. Environmental