>Marketing homework help

Please consider format when posting this week. AVOID: one large paragraph. Help your readers find the topics easily.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words. 

PART 1: Provide a workplace example of a difficult situation or an ethical violation you have experienced. Be specific.

Part 2: Explain what you did or did not do that helped improve the situation. How did you overcome (or not) the adversity. BE SPECIFIC.

Part 3: Share What you feel like you learned from this experience that can help you become a better leader, manager, parent, or person.

Part 4: Brag: What you have accomplished in the last five weeks that you are proud about and want to share. This can be anything you feel good about. What are you excited about that you have achieved?



I worked for a property management and there are many regulations you have to follow in order to stay in compliance. I worked in the maintenance side of things and we handled calls from tenants who were having maintenance issues. We would get vendors dispatched to them and follow up to ensure the work was done properly. A couple times owners of the homes did not want to put in the money to make proper repairs. They would do “quick fixes” and sometimes avoid doing what was needed altogether. To try and improve the situation, I would do my best to explain to owners why the more expensive repairs were needed and would try to communicate and empathize for the tenants as much as possible. I eventually left because I could not stay working for a company that supported the owners getting away with leaving tenants in not so great situations. I definitely learned what to look for in a property management or a landlord and have educated many friends and families on the matter to prevent them from ending up in the same situation as some of the tenants we had. It opened my eyes to a whole world of things that I didn’t know existed and feel communicating and spreading the world will bring awareness to the problem over time.


  • An example of a difficult situation I faced in my workplace was back in May 2020. It was brought to my attention that my supervisor was speaking with another employee about a personal matter I informed him about regarding my child. I was not present and I deemed that inappropriate and unprofessional on his part. The information wasn’t his business to share nor was it beneficial to his or that employee’s job functions. It was challenging for me to keep my composure and not act irrationally especially since this was not his first offense spreading personal information without my authorization or prior knowledge.
  • However, I sent him an email the following Monday since the workplace gossip occurred the previous Friday after I left the office for the day. I addressed the facts from the previous incident and the recent incident to create a paper trail then we verbally discussed the issue. I printed the email correspondence for my employee file in human resources and also filed a complaint against him. He and I have not had any problems regarding confidentiality since then.
  • I learned that using my voice and documenting is vital especially in the workplace because employee violations happen often at my place of employment from upper management but no one ever says anything in fear of retaliation.