Mathematics homework help

Compare the ways in which resilience is shown in the stories of young Maryjane from Persepolis I) and Harry Potter (from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone).,Ways in which resilience is shown in the stories of young Maryjane,Your goal is to offer a specific argument/thesis statement that directly responds to the question and explains how/why you take this position. Focusing on one specific comparison or contrast (and what it shows or the “so what?”) will generally offer much clearer analysis than briefly examining or listing observations about several. Your goal is to offer a focus ed and well support ed argument. Rather than an overview or general discussion of the topic.,Compare the ways in which resilience is shown in the stories of young Maryjane from Persepolis I). Further, Harry Potter (from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone).,How does adversity or self-confidence or the ,role of mentors, or something else (focus on one thing in both texts) impact the support systems and/or coping mechanisms shown in these stories?,You’ll want to focus on Persepolis I. Which is the first half of the complete edition? For this question in order to compare two preteens (rather than a child and a teen/adult).,You might refer to later books about Harry but should focus on the first book since this is our course text.,You might include research on psychology and child development but could also draw on research about popular culture depictions of children and childhood.,Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone:,,Book 2: Persepolis I:,,Weight: 30% of Final Grade., Length: 1000-1500 words (the essay itself, not including heading information and Works Cited), Format: MLA,A paper that focuses or relies heavily on outside sources will not meet overall assignment requirements.,Also, do not focus on film adaptations of the course texts in your essay (stick to the books if that’s what is on our syllabus). You may include an appendix with images if this helps you support claims. Just keep in mind that “see image” does not in itself offer support; you have to explain what the image shows and how.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,