Mathematics Homework Help

PH 520 West Coast University Descriptive Statistics Question


The data for your short survey should be entered into the Excel database that you created last week. With this data set, complete the following: (Data and document with independent varibles/dependent variables are attached).

  1. Calculate descriptive statistics for your main independent and other variables you have collected information on (example: demographic variables).
    1. Create a bar chart for the participants’ gender and ethnicity.
    2. Create a histogram for participants’ age.
  2. Calculate descriptive statistics for your dependent variable.
  3. Create a summary table of your descriptive statistics.
    1. Hint: For categorical variables, you should be calculating frequencies and percentages; for continuous variables, you should be calculating means and standard deviations.
  4. Use one hypothesis-testing statistic that examines the relationship between your independent variable and dependent variable.
    1. Hint: This should be one of the following—independent samples t-test, paired t-test, one-way ANOVA, or Pearson’s chi-squared.
    2. Write the null and alternate hypotheses.
    3. What is the calculated statistic value?
    4. What is the p and critical statistic value?
    5. Is the p value significant? Is calculated statistic value greater than critical value?
    6. What is your conclusion?