Need 3-4 Full Pages of an Argumentative Essay. The paper contains a fleshed-out topic, a convincing argument, properly utilizes rhetorical appeals, and introduces a counterclaim and promptly defeats it. It also uses outside sources to support the argument and flesh out the topic. Transitions between paragraphs are clear and it is obvious how they connect to build the argument. Paper is virtually free of grammatical errors. The writer shows a strong command of language and various sentence structures. Paper meets or exceeds page count requirements and correctly utilizes MLA style standards, including citations and the integration of sources. attachment ArgumentEssayGradingRubric.docx

Need 3-4 Full Pages  of an Argumentative Essay.
The paper contains a   fleshed-out topic, a convincing argument, properly utilizes rhetorical   appeals, and introduces a counterclaim and promptly defeats it. It also uses   outside sources to support the argument and flesh out the topic.
Transitions between   paragraphs are clear and it is obvious how they connect to build the   argument.
Paper is virtually free of   grammatical errors. The writer shows a strong command of language and various   sentence structures.
Paper meets or exceeds   page count requirements and correctly utilizes MLA style standards, including   citations and the integration of sources.
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Need 3-4 Full Pages of an Argumentative Essay. The paper contains a fleshed-out topic, a convincing argument, properly utilizes rhetorical appeals, and introduces a counterclaim and promptly defeats it. It also uses outside sources to support the argument and flesh out the topic. Transitions between paragraphs are clear and it is obvious how they connect to build the argument. Paper is virtually free of grammatical errors. The writer shows a strong command of language and various sentence structures. Paper meets or exceeds page count requirements and correctly utilizes MLA style standards, including citations and the integration of sources. attachment ArgumentEssayGradingRubric.docx

Need 3-4 Full Pages  of an Argumentative Essay.
The paper contains a   fleshed-out topic, a convincing argument, properly utilizes rhetorical   appeals, and introduces a counterclaim and promptly defeats it. It also uses   outside sources to support the argument and flesh out the topic.
Transitions between   paragraphs are clear and it is obvious how they connect to build the   argument.
Paper is virtually free of   grammatical errors. The writer shows a strong command of language and various   sentence structures.
Paper meets or exceeds   page count requirements and correctly utilizes MLA style standards, including   citations and the integration of sources.
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