Need an research paper on the architectural peculiarity of australia. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on the architectural peculiarity of australia. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. Thereupon, it is highly important to come up with a set of actions, protocols, and other activities aimed at protecting indigenous interests, first of all. Also, the description of the profession (architecture) is well applied to the code of principles and rules in an attempt to protect the rights and interests of indigenous people.

To be precise, architecture is a form of visual thinking implemented through man-made building or structure (Winters 2005, p. 23). In this respect, it is vital to mention that, like any kind of art, the architecture reflects on the main peculiarities of the time influenced by the technical and technological progress of mankind at the moment. Hence, human vision is the first source for architecture. In turn, architecture is up for imaginative people able also to get well with some practical approaches (Hunter 2008, p. 1). However, such a vision should weigh all collective inquiries to keep up with the democratic values shared in the developed Western countries. In this vein, architecture as a profession should include all pros and cons before taking place at a definite site.

As in many countries of the world, the period of colonization had its negative outcomes shown in the way of segregation, dehumanization, and humiliation of the indigenous people by the colonizers. However, Australia is well known as “the lost continent of prehistory” and Aborigines reached it more than 40, 000 years ago (Apex 2010, p. 1). The ethnographic, cultural, and anthropologic difference obvious in Aborigines is to be taken as a standpoint for checking this or that architectural concept out (Anderson 2003, p. 7). Hence, during the period of colonization, the interests of Aborigines were never taken into consideration.

During the period of assimilation, it is Aborigines who tried to change things for better in keeping with the human ideals of democracy. Thus, the cultural versatility of these indigenous&nbsp.

people may become almost trite unless tolerating their claims and requests accordingly.