Nursing homework

For the purpose of this assessment you are required to research ONE of the following therapies;

  • Mindfulness OR


  • Cognitive Behavioral therapy OR


  • Motivational Interviewing

Following your research, you are required to discuss and display (tell me about your chosen topic) your learnt knowledge (i.e. what do you now know that you didn’t prior to the assessment task) presented in Essay format (Introduction, body and conclusion)  you are to support this knowledge with appropriate academic references (peer reviewed journals, text books not web pages/sites and definitely not Wikipedia) in APA format.
The required length of this assessment is 1000 words including your intext referencing however excluding your reference list.  You can use headings (Introduction, body and conclusion) to keep you on track. Please remember to use a cover page as per University assessment requirements.
Therapeutic Interventions Essay

Therapeutic Interventions Essay
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeIntroduction
Introduction (remember the word count for this assignment is 1000 words in total, your introduction will need to be concise and yet informative. Include in-text citations where necessary)
10.0 Pts
Full marks
0.0 Pts
No marks
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeBody/Discussion
Demonstrates and applies knowledge and understanding of:
– Discuss an overview of the chosen therapeutic intervention
– The chosen therapeutic intervention and how it is applicable in the clinical setting with support from contemporary evidence (within 2010-2020) .
– Discusses in detail what has been learnt about the chosen intervention
– Uses APA referencing to support discussion (a minimum of 10 references)
30.0 Pts
Full marks
0.0 Pts
No marks
30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeConclusion and Academic requirements
Displays an ability to Draw some concluding points from your discussion. Uses scholarly principles of using evidence to inform writing, and academic integrity, include in text citations drawing on relevant peer reviewed evidence in the published literature to support your ideas and claims. Structure and present your work using academic writing conventions. Utilises APA referencing throughout essay
10.0 Pts
Full marks
0.0 Pts
No marks
10.0 pts
Total points: 50.0