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NR 304 Video Essay Faculty Assignment
NR 304 Video Essay Faculty Assignment
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestion 1Is 50-100 words in length.
Fully answers the question using details and/or examples from the video.
Writing is clear, grammatically correct, and uses good sentence structure.
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestion 2Is 50-100 words in length.
Fully answers the question using details and/or examples from the video.
Writing is clear, grammatically correct, and uses good sentence structure.
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestion 3Is 50-100 words in length.
Fully answers the question using details and/or examples from the video.
Writing is clear, grammatically correct, and uses good sentence structure.
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestion 4Is 50-100 words in length.
Fully answers the question using details and/or examples from the video.
Writing is clear, grammatically correct, and uses good sentence structure.

Instructions: Watch this video –
Answer the following essay questions. Each question is worth 25 points. Responses should be 50-100 words. Responses should be in complete sentences with proper grammar and punctuation. You may type directly into this document

  1. Would you consider this a focused assessment or a general assessment? Provide a rationale for your answer and include examples of questions from the video which led to your response.


  1. What types of therapeutic communication techniques do you identify the provider using in the interview?


  1. Based on the interview and the responses, what type of diagnosis could this provider suspect? What types of interview questions, responses, and/or follow up plan led to your response.


  1. What did you like about the way the provider conducted the interview?