Nursing homework help

MGT 450 – Strategic Management Fall 2020 – Individual Turn-it in Submission- (15%)
Due December 9th, 2020 @ 23:59
Read the below case “BMW Differentiates with Mini”, and answer all of the 3 questions
1) What is the Business-level Strategy of Mini? Support your answer based on evidences from the case, and discuss – (30 pts).
2) What are the major advantages and disadvantages of the business- level strategy of Mini? Make sure to mention minimum 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages, and
discuss- (40 pts).
3) Discuss how Mini can apply the five components of customer relationships effectively in order to sustain competitive advantage – (30 pts).
– Make sure to number your answers. – The file should be uploaded as word document. – The submission should not exceed 3 pages. – Adopt the APA style in your submission. – You don’t need to include the questions or the case in your submission (the answers are
– Make sure to include your name, ID#, and section in your submission.
Good luck!
Source: Volberda H.H. Morgan R.E, Reinmoelle P. Hitt M.A. Ireland M. A. Hoskisson. R.E (2011), Strategic Management –
Competitiveness and Globalization (Page 193)