Biology homework help

Biology homework help.                                                                
As we are in the midst of a viral pandemic, please consider this assignment not only a replacement for the dreaded presentation, but also a mechanism to become more informed about the virus causing the present crisis and to practice your ability to apply basic biological concepts to a specific real-world problem.
For this assignment, you will first need to understand that the virus is called SARS-CoV-2 and infection from this virus causes a disease in humans known as COVID-19.  While these are used interchangeably in the media and by most people, it is important to realize the difference.  COVID-19 is not a virus, but rather a disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2.
You will secondly need to watch this seminar by Dr. Britt Glaunsinger.
[If the hyperlink does not work the url is: ]
I encourage you to watch the whole seminar as it is very informative and there are many opportunities to ‘see’ numerous basic molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry, and microbiology concepts.  That said, the seminar is expert-level, so please also use this assignment to guide you through specific parts.
You must complete all of the questions. You may type your responses on this document or on a new word doc.
The two sets of questions begin on the next page.
Concise answers are much appreciated and indicate a good level of comprehension.  `
Questions Part 1
At 10:10 of the seminar begins the discussion of virus structure and entry.  Watch this part to answer the following questions.

  1. What does it mean to have a (+) sense RNA genome and what does that indicate happens when the genome gets released into the eukaryotic cell?


  1. Explain how CoV enters the cell. Focus on the function of the spike protein, describe the two domains and how these domains work to allow the virus to get into the cell.  Don’t forget to include the “second feature” mentioned in the video for your answer and the names of any cellular receptors.


  1. List the names of other viruses that use class 1 fusion proteins to enter the cell.


  1. How many amino acids in the spike protein are specific for spike protein’s ability to bind to the host cell receptor?


  1. How could mutations in the spike protein lead to increased transmission of the virus?

Questions Part 2
At 20:15 of the seminar begins the discussion of the SARS-CoV-2 genome.  Watch this part to answer the following questions.

  1. How many open reading frames and how many proteins does this virus have? Is this surprising that the number of ORFs and proteins is not the same?  Why or why not.


  1. What happens to the virus genome when it gets into the cell? (see also answer to question #1)


  1. What does it mean that eukaryotic cells translate monocistronic mRNA? What problem does the virus face because of this rule of eukaryotic cell biology? [hint: what is the rule the ribosome follows for translation, AUG….UAA]


  1. What is a polyprotein?


  1. What does the “slippery sequence” allow the virus to do?


  1. Explain how every ORF at the 3’ end of the genome can get translated and still follow the eukaryotic rule for translation? [hint: it your answer should mention the 5’ leader and capture mechanism—TRS-L]  Yes, this is a hard question—do your best!


  1. At 57:40 of the seminar is a discussion of neutralizing antibodies. Every time you are exposed to a pathogen or infection or even a vaccine, your immune system (B-cells) make antibodies that are specific for that infection.  Some of these antibodies can bind to and neutralize the ability of the pathogen to infect cells.  How long were neutralizing antibodies present in patients that recovered from SARS-1?  What does this mean for the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic?  List the questions raised by Dr. Glaunsinger for your answer.

Biology homework help