Nutrition Assessment

NR-228 Nutrional Assessment (RUA) Presentaon Team Charter
Secon I: Team Member Skill Inventory
Each team member will individually complete this secon and inial in the box.
Team Member Name Strengths/Contribuons Areas for Development Inials
Arielle Dupor Flexible communicaon AD
Peggy Ngemoh Organized communicaon PN
Yvee Velasquez me management communicaon yv
Nazeela Yousefi Informaon gathering/
confidence NY
Secon II: Work Plan
This secon includes a plan for communicaon and wrien work (please agree upon & complete
all secons).
1. Discuss your process to designate the team leader. Arielle D.
The team leader should be willing to submit the assignments by the due dates.
2. Outline the responsibilies the team gives the team leader?
they hold the responsibility to submit the team Charter in week 2 and the RUA
presentaon and outline in week 5
3. Explain how the team members will distribute the workload for the assignment based on
Secon I.
a google document with all team members included in it, make sure everyone is
doing their share of the work, and ensure that all goals are being met each week.
4. Outline the meline for compleon and submission of assignment components to the
team leader (take into consideraon the assignment due date).
Secon III: Conflict Management
This secon should include your plan for conflict management (please agree upon & complete all
secons). Since the combined Team Charter (with all team member informaon and team conflict
management strategies) are always available for review by all team members (i.e., for online
courses, it is in the assigned Team Collaboraon Forum), team members should refer to it oen
and use it to agree on deliverables for the assignment, and acons to be taken by the team leader
should conflicts occur.
1. List potenal conflicts that might arise between team members during this project.
a. Include the team’s plan members who do not turn in work aer the deadline.
b. Include how the team will manage team members who do not parcipate, or
parcipate in a mely manner
2. For each potenal conflict, list the team’s method of resolving those conflicts.
3. Specifically address how the team will apply Chamberlain Care for peers during conflict
List all potenal conflicts and how they will be addressed by the team. (do not put
contact instructor as only method of resoluon. Include here what the team will do
as an empowered group prior to contacng the instructor)
● Conflicng/difficulty meeng: since our scheduled are not the same each week we need to
determine a me to meet
● Meeng locaon: if we can not agree upon a locaon to meet, meeng virtually is always
an opon with Webex
● If a member does not contribute then the group will reach out to remind them that their
contribuon is needed. Reaching out to the member allows them to seek help if they are
confused or cannot find informaon.
Secon IV: Team Goals
This secon should include your team goals (please agree upon & complete all secons).
1. List the team’s goals for the assignment project (these may include project assignment
goals, group process goals, quality level goals, etc.)
contribute from each team member is needed, we need to work together to be efficient
in a mely manner before the due date since we may have quesons
2. List potenal barriers to the achievement of these goals and outline how they will be
1. Everyone has a busy schedule and can’t meet at the same me.
2. Every member is not able to meet face to face.
3. Not everyone is able to contribute equally.
We will work around schedules to set up meeng mes to work on the project aer
3. Address how barriers for compleon of the assignment will be addressed by the team
__Everybody had a busy schedule this semester. That is why the only me we could get together
was in the late evenings.
We are going to meet virtually through skype or faceme once or twice a week unl we reach our
If one member can not contribute, we will not judge them, instead we will offer our help and
maybe take over some of her responsibility, so we can finish the project on me.
having a google doc allows for the team to see if the assigned part was completed. If it
was not completed we can discuss what needs to be done in a meeng. Communicaon
between all group members means we are able to ask each other if a task is confusing.
Secon V: Project Plan
1. This secon should include your team plan and should be followed by all members of the
team. Since the combined Team Charter (with all team member informaon and team plan)
is always available for review by all team members (i.e., for online courses, it is in the
assigned Team Collaboraon Forum), team members should refer to it oen and use it to
agree on deliverables for the assignment.
2. Using the table below, make a plan for each project week that clearly outlines each team
member’s expectaons. (Be sure to assign a task for each member on the team and
complete and agree upon each secon).
3. Plan tentave due dates for rough dras and completed project assignments.
4. Specifically outline all tasks for the assignment, who the task is assigned to, and when it will
be posted for team viewing and approval in the Team Forum. Complete details are required
in table below
Tasks Week 2 Assigned Team Member Due to Team
Forum On
Contribute to team Charter all Sunday (Saturday
on a google doc
Go over rubric and assign tasks (faceme) all Monday 11/8
Tasks Week 3 Assigned Team Member Due to Team
Forum On
post a menu from a daycare facility Nazeela Monday of week 3
each member should work on assigned task all
Tasks Week 4 Assigned Team Member Due to Team
Forum On
complete PowerPoint all 11/18 (Thursday)
begin wring script/outline all 11/21 (Sunday)
Tasks Week 5 Assigned Team Member Due to Team
Forum On
Review PowerPoint and outline all 11/26
Make any edits need to the project and have it ready to
turn in
all 11/26
Final Presentaon Due to Team
Forum for all
team members to
view and approve
prior to final
posng to
Submission area
by the team
VI. Emergency Contact Informaon: