Operations Management homework help
This assignment involves selecting one country outside the U.S. that is of particular interest and relevance to you. The assignment is to write an 8-10 page paper that summarizes the culture of the country and how the culture influences the elements of organization design (organization structure, job design, scanning practices, human resource systems, etc.) and management practices. You also need to write a 3 pages presentation script which is the executive summary of your paper and a PowerPoint of the presentation.
One option for this assignment is to select a multi-national company that has operations in a particular country as the focus of your analysis. You are also encouraged to review Chapter 6 in the Daft text(I upload) to generate potential countries and topics for your paper. You will want to integrate your findings with the concepts and principles discussed in the course. ( I upload several lecture Powerpoint from my class, so you have to use some concepts and principles in these Powerpoint to write this paper)
So there are three thing to do: (1) a 8-10 project paper, (2) a 3 pages executive summary of the paper (which I can just read it to present to the class), (3) a PowerPoint for the presentation