Part I: Describe the difference between deficit and debt (minimum of 3 sentences). Properly cite any referenced material in APA format. Part II: What concerns you the most about the US debt? How d

Part I:  Describe the difference between deficit and debt (minimum of 3 sentences).  Properly cite any referenced material in APA format.

Part II:  What concerns you the most about the US debt?  How do you think this problem can be solved?  Ensure to utilize at least one reputable website and properly cite using APA documentation (minimum of 8 sentences).

Part III:  Respond to two classmates’ posts with regards to Part II (minimum of 7 sentences).  Ensure to discuss some of the initiatives that the current or previous administrations took to increase/decrease the debt/deficit.

Note:   Only the first submission will be graded.  Ensure to properly cite any reference material with APA citations