Philosophy homework help
Philosophy 190 Paper Assignment
Due: Thursday, June 11 at 11:59 PM
Helping those in Need
As you may know, Cal State San Bernardino operates a food bank on campus called The Obershaw
DEN ( The DEN exists to
provide students in need with food and hygiene products free of charge. For the DEN to succeed, it
relies on product donations from members of the campus community.
Now suppose that the university was considering adopting a campus-wide policy that would take
effect this fall. The proposal is that all affluent students would be required to donate food and hygiene
products to the DEN each semester. The university would determine a “poverty line”; any student
above the line is deemed “affluent” and required to donate, whereas any student below the line is not
required to donate. If two students, X and Y, are both above the poverty line, but student X is better
off than student Y, then student X will be required to donate more than student Y. To enforce this
new charity policy, the university will prevent affluent students from registering for future semesters
should they fail to donate their required amount during a semester.
Question: Would you approve or disapprove of the university’s proposed policy?
Your paper should carefully address the following questions:
1. Using his article “The Singer Solution to World Poverty,” would Peter Singer approve of
CSUSB’s proposed policy? (Why/why not?)
2. Using his article “Lifeboat Ethics,” would Garrett Hardin approve of CSUSB’s proposed
policy? (Why/why not?)
3. Would you approve of CSUSB’s proposed policy? (Why/why not?)
*Your paper should be approximately 4-5 typed, double-spaced pages, and is due on Thursday, June
11th at 11:59 PM. Submit your paper through the Turnitin link on Blackboard (“Week 9” module).
Late papers will be penalized 5 points for each day beyond the due date. Blank or incomplete papers
submitted on Blackboard will be graded as official submissions.
**For advice on how to structure your paper, as well as other general tips, see “Paper Structure &
Other Tips” on Blackboard (under the ‘Week 9’ module).