Philosophy homework help

Hi, need to submit a 500 words essay on the topic Resume and Cover Letter Construction.This is a good question and it is very difficult to give a proper answer to it. The first and foremost concern is to pick an appealing style, which will be appropriate and relevant to the market of employment. It is relevant to use action verbs (removed, supervised, supported, expanded etc) and some self-descriptive words, such as ambitious, broad-minded, consistent etc are appealing to the employer.A great advantage of chronological resumes is the ability of an employer to trace the exact dates of a candidates places of employment. Another advantage is to see a logical development of one’s career development. A chronological resume is one of the most suitable.It is very often difficult for employers to look through different skills of an employee. When a candidate changes his career field very often, then his resume can be a functional one. His main skills and abilities are listed and an employer can choose between available skills and potential of an employee.Combination Resumes are also known as “custom or hybrid resumes”. These types of resumes are advantageous because they enable an employee to illustrate his experience with exact dates and to make an employer aware of exact dates/ a process of a careers development. It is difficult to focus both on dates and facts or to shift one’s attention from dates to events.This is a resume without any proper formatting. It should be mentioned that this type of resumes is often challenging, but it is possible for an employer to scan pros and cons of the resume. Moreover, an employer can be not satisfied with a proper interpretation of certain points of resumes.With respect to the fact that every employer looks at resumes not more than 30 seconds, it is very important to include keywords and focus ones resume on a particular company (Professional Resumes the Easy Way).&nbsp.