Physics homework help

Hi, need to submit a 250 words essay on the topic Hamlet blog 2.In Act 3 scene 1, Hamlet’s is excited while the others are planning on how to spy on him. Hamlet is excited that the play will be shown in enhanced scenes so as to start revenging against King Claudius. Some characters do not understand why Hamlet is happy and yet they are planning to spy on him. For example, Claudius and Polonius set Ophelia on stage in order to spy on Hamlet. It is evident that even before. King Claudius had sent Guildenstern and Rosencrantz to spy on the Hamlet (MacDonald 40). From the stage confrontation facilitated by Ophelia, it is evident that Claudius is aware of the threat that Hamlet is posing to him. This is a unique character trait possessed by Claudius because he can deduce the actual cause of Hamlet’s excitement, unlike the other characters. It is interesting that even after revealing the cause of Hamlet’s behaviours, he acts more in calculated