Physics homework help
Physics homework help. Write a 4 page essay on World of Global and Knowledge Economies.As the report declares the classical perspective is also more relevant to the current knowledge based economy that the improvement in the performance of the employees and resultantly that of the organization depends upon how knowledgeable the employees are. This is also relevant because knowledge based economy concepts advocate that in order to reduce the impact of diminishing returns on the capital, it is important that new ways of doing things are created. Classical perspectives therefore is relevant in the sense allow knowledge based economies to gain access to the more qualified and high performing employees.According to the paper findings organic perspective is critical in the sense that it advocates the formation of networks and hubs where people work in an informal manner. Knowledge based economies are also based upon the informal networking of the individuals through digitization which has been made possible with the help of globalization. What is also critical to note that organic perspective directly asserts the impression that the knowledge workers need not be concentrated in one place? Thus the current derive in digitization and globalization actually allowed the organizations to harness the power of the competencies of their employees while transcending the traditional borders. Organic perspective is significantly more critical due to the fact that it focuses on the understanding the needs of the employees and allow the emergence of concepts like group leadership.