Political Science homework help

Political Science homework help. Write a 1 page essay on Unit 8 Asignment.Key players involved in investigating a disease outbreak includes local, state or federal agencies depending on the extent of disease spread and type of disease. Most diseases start at the local level and hence it is the primary duty of local agencies to initiate response. In case the diseases spread across states and nations, state agencies also gets involved in the response. Help from federal agencies such as CDC is sought when the diseases spread is huge or the disease is unusual. The basic step to initiating a disease response is joint collaboration with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). These agencies investigate the reasons behind a diseases outbreak, initiate steps to control and subsequently prevent it. This is done by food tests and inspection of food products and service quality at restaurants. Epidemiologist, Microbiologists, Environmental health specialists and regulatory compliance officers and inspectors make up a basic investigating team.Another important stakeholder is the Food industry. I personally feel that the food industry needs to comply strictly with food regulations s to prevent contamination of the food and subsequent outbreaks.Today food is not restricted to one place only, we engage in import and export of several food items which also raises concern in case such items are contaminated. In case of a diseases outbreak it become hard to pin point the cause and hence a series of steps is adopted to investigate the problem. After detection of the outbreak a cause is determines. A hypothesis is made after interviews are conducted with those involved in or witness to the outbreak. Laboratory tests are carried out and in case nothing is found the hypothesis is changes. However in case the findings are positive, point of contamination is investigated and a food is recalled. After recalling, if the disease is in control it is declared safe else the hypothesis is

Political Science homework help