print “”{“” (5) “”}

Complete the CGI script (by filling in the five blanks) which produces in JSONformat data on all the

executablefiles that are in the Unix directory provided as a URL parameter. NR: line number

NF: number of fields in a record Example JSON string:

















File 1: ls2json.cgi


echo Content-Type: application/json; echo directory=”$QUERY_STRING”

( echo “permissions links user group size date time time_offset file_name” ; ( ls -l –full-time $directory

| awk ’ (1) {print (2) }’ ) ) | ./txt2json

File 2: txt2json

#!/bin/sh awk ’NR==1 {

print “[“

for (i=1;i<=NF; i++) name[i]=$i; n=NF


} NF>=n {

for ( (3) )

$i=””” name[i] (4) $i “”””