Programming Homework Help
UCM SQL Server Management Windows Program Project
StudentUniversity Application
a) Create a database in your SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio called “UBDB”.
Create the following ten tables in it.
1. Students
StudentId varchar(10) Primary Key
FirstName varchar(50)
LastName varchar(50)
StreetAddress varchar(100)
City varchar(50)
State varchar(10)
Telephone varchar(20)
2. Departments
DepartmentId int Primary Key
DepartmentName varchar(20)
3. Professors
ProfessorId varchar(10) Primary Key
FirstName varchar(50)
LastName varchar(50)
StreetAddress varchar(100)
City varchar(50)
State varchar(10)
Telephone varchar(20)
4. Courses
CourseNum varchar(20) Primary Key
CourseName varchar(50)
CreditHours int
Description text
DepartmentId int
5. CoursePrerequisites
CourseNum varchar(20) Primary Key
PrereqCourseNum varchar(20) Primary Key
6. CoursesOffered
CourseNum varchar(20) Primary Key
Semester varchar(20) Primary Key
MaxEnrollment int
EnrolledCount int
RoomNumber varchar(20)
ProfessorId varchar(10)
7. CoursesTaken
StudentId varchar(10) Primary Key
CourseNum varchar(30) Primary Key
Semester varchar(20) Primary Key
8. StudentCourses
StudentId varchar(10) Primary Key
CourseNum varchar(20) Primary Key
9. StudentMajors
varchar(20) Primary Key
StudentId varchar(20) Primary Key
10. ProfessorDepartments
int Primary Key
ProfessorId varchar(10) PrimaryKey
DepartmentId int PrimaryKey
b) Create a Windows application. Add a top level menu item called InitializeDB with ten menus
underneath it for populating the ten tables. Each menu under InitializeDB reads data from a
text file and inserts a record (or updates it) in the corresponding table. When you click on the
menu, user is prompted to select the text file via an OpenFileDialog. The ten text files for each
table are comma separated and appear as shown below.
123451,Bill,Baker,45 Main Street,Bridgeport,CT,203-555-1234
123452,Mark,Mathews,25 Pine Street,Bridgeport,CT,203-555-7765
123453,Sally,Simpson,45 Oak Street,Stratford,CT,203-555-1242
123454,Cindy,Wiiliams,55 Center Street,Milford,CT,203-555-7741
123455,John,Jacobs,22 Rose Street,Bridgeport,CT,203-555-4420
1001,Computer Science
1002,Computer Engineering
1003,Electrical Engineering
1005,Technology Management
10001,John,Jacobs,20 University Avenue,Bridgeport,CT,203-555-1134
10002,Sara,Sorento,28 Hall Street,Bridgeport,CT,203-555-3362
10003,Hong,Wong,46 Main Street,Bridgeport,CT,203-555-1222
10004,David,King,55 Meadow Street, Shelton, CT,203-777-8126
CPSC 410,Java Programming,3,Intermediate level Java Programming,1001
CPSC 411,Advance Java,3,Advance level Java Programming,1001
CPSC 440,Windows Programming,3,Intermediate level C# Programming,1001
CPSC 555,Web Application Development,3,Web Development,1001
Math 301,Differential Equations,3,Solving Differential Equations,1004
ELEG 443,Digital Signal Processing,3,Digital Signal Processing and its Applications,1002
CPSC 555,CPSC 410
CPSC 555,CPSC 440
ELEG 443,Math 301
CPSC 411,CPSC 410
CPSC 410,Fall 2016,35,28,Dana 123,10001
CPSC 411,Fall 2016,30,27,Tech 116,10001
CPSC 440,Fall 2016,45,44,Dana 123,10002
Math 301,Fall 2016,25,18,Carlson 152,10004
CPSC 555,Fall 2016,40,37,Tech 116,10002
ELEG 443,Fall 2016,25,20,Carlson 152,10004
123451,CPSC 440,Spring 2016,B-
123451,CPSC 410,Spring 2016,B+
123451,MATH 301,Summer 2016,B
123452,CPSC 410,Spring 2016,C
123453,Math 301,Summer 2016,A-
123451,ELEG 443,Fall 2016
123454,CPSC 410,Fall 2016
123452,CPSC 411,Fall 2016
123454,CPSC 440,Fall 2016
c) Create a top level menu item called “Student Management”. It will have two submenus in it.
1. View Students
Allows you to select a department, and view Students in the department via a
2. View Student Grades
Allows you to search a student via a text box and then display the courses taken by the
student and the grades obtained in a DataGridView.
d) Create a top level menu item called “Course Management”. It will have two submenus in it.
1. View Courses Offered
A semester drop down will show semesters. Then depending upon the semester
selected in the drop down, the courses being offered in that semester will be shown.
2. View Enrollments
A course number drop down will show the courses being offered in the semester being
selected in another drop down. Then based on the two drop downs, you will show the
enrollment in the course selected. The course number drop down should dynamically
change when the semester drop down changes the semester.