Programming Homework Help

CSE 101 UCSC Dictionary ADT Using Underlying Red Black Tree Data Structure Exercise


The following Dictionary ADT is to be completed in C language.

Please look at the attached pa7.pdf as it is the prompt. The Dictionary ADT uses a Red-Black Tree(RBT) underlying data structure. As mentioned in the pa7.pdf this is a modification of previous pa6 that I will provide to you, it uses an underlying Binary Search Tree(BST) and we are to switch that out for a RBT in this assignment. We are given the pseudocode to implement the RBT data structure into the enclosed functions. The pseudocode can be found in the pseudocode.txt file.

pa7.pdf states that Order.c is based upon Lex.c, which I will provide alongside the Dictionary ADT using BST when working together. The WordFrequency.c will also be provided.

There will also be a grading script that the ADT will tested against, that I will provide as well.

In1 and out1 is an example of what is to be expected given an input.

Dictionart.txt is the header file.