Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Imagery in Poetry. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Imagery in Poetry. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Imagery in poetry Introduction In his poem, The passionate shepherd to his love, Christopher Marlowe uses imagery systematically to help develop mental images in the minds of his audience thus enhancing the consumption of the poem. The author talks about rolling hills, frolicking lambs, and babbling brooks among many others. Through such avid description of both the scenery and other intricate features of the setting, the poet succeeds in developing mental images. Nature is a fundamental imagery in the poem that enhances the message in the poem. The poet strives to portray the beauty of the countryside. he therefore constructs a natural beauty unique to the setting. He portrays the beauty of the natural setting consisting of the woods, hills, grooves and valleys among others explaining that the beauty will pleasure many, “And we will all the pleasures prove” (line 3).

The poet portrays his genius through his systematic use of words to evoke numerous other feelings besides sight and hearing. Sensory imagery is vital in enhancing the effectiveness of the message in the poem. Christopher Marlowe strives to portray the natural beauty of the landscape. he therefore utilizes all the senses in doing this. “And we will sit upon the rocks” (line 5), in the line the poet strives to build the feelings associated with solitary sitting on rocks while watching the natural scenery. The line enables the audience to conceptualize the setting and the act.

In retrospect, building mental images is a fundamental poetic requirement in poems. Just as is the case above, imagery influences the consumption of the poems. In this context, Christopher Marlowe strives to develop the beauty associated with natural scenery. He therefore uses descriptive words that help develop the images thereby enhancing the consumption of the poetry.

Work cited

Christopher, Marlowe. The passionate shepherd to his love. New York: Poultry press, 2000.Print.