Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Is Google Making People Stupid. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is requ

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Is Google Making People Stupid. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Google does not make people stupid. In fact, it makes them smart. First, the easy and fast access to important information on the internet maximizes the productivity of an individuals’ intelligence. Secondly, quick internet scans and answers to almost every question enhance human intelligence because of the availability of the needed information. It makes people smarter and also enables them in making better choices. Thirdly, Google improves people’s creativity when it comes to approaching problems, and also improves certain aspects of memory.

The first reason Google does not make people stupid is: a survey of 895 experts showed that the internet has enhanced human intelligence. That comes as a result of unlimited access to more information that makes people smarter and improves their decision-making. This is an article called “experts say google does not make people stupid” by David Weir. Secondly, the easy and fast access to important information on the internet maximizes the productivity of individuals’ intelligence. To prove this point, Carl Knerr wrote in his article: No, google is not making people stupid. Thirdly, Google improves people’s creativity when it comes to approaching problems and also improves human memory. The above point is according to an article by Adam Clark Estes called Is Google making people stupid and smarter at the same time?

First reason: Among the leading reasons why Google does not make people stupid is the number of researches and surveys done overtime to prove a point. Pew internet researchers once conducted a study to determine the effects of the internet over the brilliance and memory of people. Surprisingly, the results came out as follows: among 895 experts questioned in the research’ 76% agreed that internet use has enhanced humans intelligence- as people are given unprecedented gate pass to more information that makes them smarter and makes better choices.