Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Antigone. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Antigone. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. All these tragedies reveal Sophocles’s observation of the political and social system of his times as well as his deep insight into the nature and emotions prevailing in the heart of women, who leave no stone unturned to fulfill their obligations towards their blood relations because of the unconditional sentiments they contain for their family members, and even put their life at stake in order to save the life and honour of their blood relations and lovers. Hence, the play displays the author’s vast knowledge and in-depth surveillance of woman psychology, and the wisdom and compassion women exercise at the eve of the crisis occurred in their life.&nbsp.

The play under study i.e. Antigone depicts the same magnitude of concern and sacrifice that is submitted by Sophocles by drawing out the powerful character and personality of the protagonist of the story i.e. Antigone, who defies the royal edict regarding the humiliation of the dead body of her brother Polyneices. Since Polyneices has been declared as a rebel to the city by the King, he has lost his status as the respectable and loyal citizen. Consequently, the King has issued decree that being rebel to the state, Polyneices could neither be buried in a dignified manner, nor would he be lamented and mourned altogether. on the contrary, his corpse would keep uncovered in the fields, so that it could be torn and tattered by kites, vultures, crows, dogs and other birds and animals. (Lines 196-201) Here appears the conflict in the role and responsibilities of Antigone’s as a citizen and as a sister. As a responsible citizen, she has to obey the royal commands. and as the loving and dedicated sister of Polyneices, she has every right to secure the corpse of his brother from becoming the prey to desecration. But she is not such sort of lady, which lacks decision power. On the contrary, she is well aware of her duties and obligations. So, Antigone is not ready to comply with such an indecent, immoral and inhuman royal edict of humiliating the corpse, which is also vehemently against divine law. The divine law, according to Antigone, lays stress upon mercy, kindness and charity, and prohibits humans to desecrate human body even after death.&nbsp.&nbsp.