Provide a 7 pages analysis while answering the following question: Leadership and Followership Stylistics: Context of Lion King. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA St

Provide a 7 pages analysis while answering the following question: Leadership and Followership Stylistics: Context of Lion King. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Before examining the leadership traits within the context of different characters of Lion King, it is imperative that the sources of leadership and meaning are clearly understood. In a simpler and précis manner, leadership can be defined as the power to bring about changes or selecting the flow of the beliefs of followers. Power or leadership cannot be achieved without having the traits which it takes to undergo change and bring motivation for the employees. There are typically five sources of power which are evident in the movie Lion King as well.

As per the theory presented by French and Raven, a leader is able to provide a reward to its employees. This is merely to provide a token of value to the followers by the leaders. This aspect is visible from the movie Lion King through the depiction of Scar’s character (Where Scar is a brother of Mufasa). The Scar has been projected as a leader who gives value proposition to his followers named as Outside in the movie. Scar has provided complete protection to his followers from Mufasa3. Along with the protection that he provided to his follower hyenas, he also provides them with food. It should be noted that throughout the course of the movie, Scar has provided reward in the shape of food to hyenas when they undertook his commands. The significance behind the reward is because it motivates the followers. It has also been noted in many instances of the movie that as soon as Scar becomes the leader, he stopped providing a reward to his followers.

The aspect of reward is further explained in terms of types. The two types of rewards would be coercive and reward power. In the first type, the leaders are actually looked upon as someone who has settled the standards for the followers where they can be provided with a reward. On the other hand, the second type of coercive gives an idea that it depends upon a leader to settle punishments. In the context of the movie, this is evident from the context of Scar’s character where he promised his followers hyenas to provide them with food and reward them and if they will not follow Scar then they will be put to death ultimately. This shows that Scar has made use of the coercive power in order to dictate the hyenas.