Psychology homework help

Discussion Board Prep: Thinking Like an Anthropologist
Big Question: Who owns “art”?
To complement the discussion of the appropriation of art by colonists and anthropologists who came upon so-called primitive peoples, explore the case of tattooing, an art form that has social significance in the cultures to which it is native (including in the South Pacific) and in the societies, that have borrowed this art form.
Read Smithsonian Magazine has a short online article regarding photographer Chris Rainiers’s images of tattoos (Links to an external site.). Additionally, the Smithsonian Magazine website also contains images that Rainier and his assistants have taken, which are featured in a video titled, Tattoo Odyssey.
After reviewing these images and discussions, and others you may find on tattooing from a global perspective, discuss the increasing popularity of this process in the West to the process of globalization and debates about primitive and “high” art. Is tattooing considered to be art in North America or northern European nations? In what ways does the significance and practice of tattooing in the West vary from that in the cultures where this art form began?
For this assignment, your grade will be based on your:

  • Attention to the prompt: Be sure to respond to all parts of the prompt and questions given. Reference the prompt and questions in your response so your contribution to the discussion is clear to other students.
  • Inclusion of course materials: Engagement with the course materials is required, as is citation of sources. You must reference some part of the course material, either the textbook or the recorded lectures, but formal citation of these materials is not required. To cite the textbook, put the page number you’re referencing in parentheses at the end of the sentence, e.g.: (pg. 123). To cite a recorded lecture, use the title of the video and an approximate timestamp: (Lecture: Racism, 05:30)
  • Word count and spelling/grammar/syntax: Your initial response to the prompt should be 300-500 words, and your response to a classmate’s post should be 150-200 words. Bibliography does not count towards word count. Proofread for spelling and grammar errors and edit for clarity. Discussion board posts are editable, so feel free to make small edits if you notice errors after you submit your post.