Psychology homework help


Why is psychology considered a science?


A scientist has formed the following hypothesis: Students who listen to music while studying will take longer to complete their reading and remember less of it. Once she has constructed her hypothesis, what are the three steps that she should follow to complete her experiment? State the steps and give an example of how to complete each step.​



A professor assembles a group of volunteers to compare two methods of studying. One group spends an hour a day on the first subject (such as psychology), then an hour on the second (chemistry), and so forth. The other group goes back and forth, with a few minutes on each topic, repeating the sequence until completing the same total study time as the first group. At the end of a week, the professor tests each student’s knowledge of each subject. Identify the independent variable and the dependent variable.​


Describe an example to demonstrate that even if a gene is known to produce an undesirable result, a change in the environment can largely prevent that outcome.​


What types of evidence do researchers usually examine when trying to estimate the heritability of a human characteristic?



Describe the gate theory of pain.​


Suppose we are trying to measure someone’s ability to detect weak stimuli. When we present extremely weak stimuli (sights, sounds, or touches), this person almost always reports that they were present. Before we draw any conclusions about this person’s apparently great sensitivity, what else do we need to know?​



Suppose we are trying to measure someone’s ability to detect weak stimuli. When we present extremely weak stimuli (sights, sounds, or touches), this person almost always reports that they were present. Before we draw any conclusions about this person’s apparently great sensitivity, what else do we need to know?​