>Psychology homework help

Week 1

Discussion Question (1 Page)

Psychology professionals require research and writing skills for their day-to-day work. It is important for those working in psychology to use both academic and professional writing within the appropriate settings since they differ according to the types of items created. It is also of primary importance that all claims be supported with appropriate research within the discipline. This discussion has two components:

Part 1: Visit the Ashford Online Library and find three articles of interest to you from a general area in psychology (Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Congnitive Psychology, etc). Develop an annotated bibliography using the attached templatePreview the document putting all citations/sources in APA format, and conclude with a summation of the topic overall based on the information from all three articles. Save this as a word document.

Part 2: In your initial post, reflect on the process of finding the articles:

· What specific issues did you encounter?

· What were the challenges in both the research and writing processes?

· How did you work to overcome the challenges in this assignment, and how might you use this experience to inform future research and writing practices?

· How were the resources in the Ashford University Library and the Ashford Writing Center useful to you during the process?

· Are there specific additional resources you would like to have for future assignments?

· Attach the annotate bibliography and summation.

Week 2

Discussion Question (Page 1)

Past to Present

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the required chapters from the Harré (2006) Key Thinkers in Psychology e-book. Examine one of the schools of thought (psychoanalysis, behaviorism, etc.) presented in the reading that is significant in the evolution of modern psychology. Select one theorist associated with this school of thought and explain the specific theoretical perspective(s) and/or contribution(s) this individual made to the field of psychology. Evaluating the impact of the theory and/or contribution(s) to the field as a whole, identify the strengths and weaknesses of your theorist’s contribution(s).

Choose one contemporary issue or problem that is prevalent in today’s news and research a minimum of one peer-reviewed article on this issue in the Ashford University Library. Evaluate the issue from your chosen school of thought and your theorist’s perspective. Explain how the theory provides a deeper understanding of and insight into the conditions and behaviors related to the contemporary issue. Evaluate contemporary applications of psychological theory to the issue. Support your evaluation of the news piece with your peer-reviewed research on the topic.


Week 2 Assignment 

Choosing an Article for the Article Review Final Paper

This week, you will select an article to review for your final assignment in the course, the Aritcle Review, which is due in Week Six. Each article represents a topic and area of psychology. See the attached PSY600 Article Review ListPreview the document to read the articles and make your choice.

In your paper, clearly identify your article selection. Analyze psychology as a science as it is presented in your chosen article and explain why you have decided to focus on this particular topic. Assess the professional roles presented in the chosen article and describe the interactions between psychology professionals and professionals in other fields, if any. Explain any psychological theoretical perspectives presented in the article and why they are of particular interest to you.

The paper:

· Must be one to two double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

· Must include a title page with the following:

o Title of paper

o Student’s name

o Course name and number

o Instructor’s name

o Date submitted

· Must address the topic with critical thought.

· Must use at least one peer-reviewed source chosen from the PSY600 Article Review ListPreview the document

· Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

· Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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