Psychology homework help

Will someone help me with 2 c, d, and f please?  Just as a slight warning, this is an advanced thermodynamics question. I’ve had other tutors try to help with similar questions, but they used general chemistry reasoning and the answers turned out to be wrong. I have attached the complete problem set, which may make the questions more clear. 2. This problem also concerns the boiling of an ideal mixture of miscible liquids. Whereas the previ-ous problem developed a phase diagram in the plane of temperature and composition (with pressureheld ?xed), here you will construct a phase diagram in the plane of pressure and composition (withtemperature held ?xed).First consider the liquid and vapor phases of a pure substance. As in the previous problem, we denotethe chemical potential of the pure liquid µ?(T, p). The chemical potential of the dilute vapor has anideal form:µ(v)(T, p) = µ(0) + kBT ln(p/p?),(3)where p? is the pressure at which liquid and vapor coexist. (p? is often referred to as the “vaporpressure” of the liquid. It depends on temperature, but since T is ?xed we will not burden ourselveswith writing this dependence explicitly. For the purposes of this problem, p? is just a constant thatde?nes a standard state.)(c)For pressures not too di?erent from p?, we may approximate the pressure dependence of µ?(T, p)by Taylor expansion,µ?(T, p) = µ?(T, p?) + (something) × (p ? p?).Perform this Taylor expansion.(d)For the rest of this problem, we will neglect the pressure dependence of µ?(T, p) that you calculatedin part (c).In other words we will takeµ?(T, p) ? µ?(T, p?).Explain why this approximation is reasonable.To support your argument, you might calculate avalue for [µ?(T, p) ? µ?(T, p?)]/(kBT) for the case of a liquid (such as water) at p = p? + 10atm.(f)Using Raoult’s Law, together with the constraints x(l)1 + x(l)2 = 1 and p1 + p2 = p, determine themole fraction x(l)1 (p) of species 1 in the liquid phase when it coexists with vapor at total pressurep.(f) Using Raoult’s Law, together with the constraints x(l)1 + x(l)2 = 1 and p1 + p2 = p, determine themole fraction x(l)1 (p) of species 1 in the liquid phase when it coexists with vapor at total pressurep.