Psychology homework help

Explain some of the behaviors of the same-sex adult that you learned as a child and now demonstrate. Based on social cognitive theory, explain how you might have acquired the behaviors. Be specific.
Hock, R. R. (2020). Forty studies that changed psychology: Explorations into the history of Psychological research (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

  • Chapter 3, “Learning and Conditioning”
    • Reading 3.4: “See Aggression…Do Aggression!”
  • Chapter 10, “Social Psychology”
    • Reading 10.1: “A Prison by Any Other Name”
    • Reading 10.2: “The Power of Conformity”
    • Reading 10.3: “To Help or Not to Help”
    • Reading 10.4: “Obey at Any Cost?”
  • attachment
