Reading homework help
I will include my papers I have written over the semester that you can get ideas from and reword for this paper.
You will also be able to find 8 of the 5 theorists she requires in my papers and a summary of what they stood for.
Final Paper (70 points)Write an 8 page paper (8 pages of text, include a bibliography at the end) that explores course readings and themes in greater detail. Develop an original thesis and support your argument with the texts from the course. In the paper you should:
- Use at least 5 theorists from course readings to analyze some aspect of popular culture, daily life or social interactions, politics, literature, art, etc. Develop an original thesis statement and support your argument.
- Take issue with a theory or theorist we have read. In this case, you will need to use other sources (in addition to the one you critique, either from course readings or from outside sources) to back up your claims.
- Put two or more theorists from course readings in conversation with one another to expand on or develop a key debate within feminist theory.
Based on the general description of the final paper on the syllabus, as well as the detailed approach to Critical Response papers, keep the grade criteria below in mind as you create your final papers.
REMINDER: Please write a paper on a topic YOU are genuinely exited about. Also, keep in mind your REAL BAD NEWS citations should engage communities (agencies/organizations, scholars, libraries, legal issues) you are interested in communicating with in the future.
CONTENT (25 points) Use at least 5 theorists from course readings to analyze some aspect of popular culture, daily life or social interactions, politics, literature, art, etc. Develop an original thesis statement and support your argument. Weave in themes from your Critical Response papers, but do not simply just combine the papers as they are. Develop an argument and use the former papers (or new info from course readings) as evidence to support your main idea. This is basis of your work.
STRUCTURE (25 points)Of the five theorists, put two or more of them from course readings in conversation with one another to expand on or develop a key debate within feminist theory. Though you will reference several theorists from the course, focus on two main thinkers to represent your exploration of a topic related to your present or future academic/professional interests.
SOURCES (20 points)Take issue with a theory or theorist we have read. In this case, you will need to use other sources (in addition to the one you critique, either from course readings or from outside sources) to back up your claims. Incorporate the REAL BAD NEWS source types to supplement your analysis of the course reading. Of the 15 source types listed on the source guide, use at least 10 types.