For this assignment you will need to write a one page summary report to include the followings parts:

Part 1: Identifying Project Scope Risk

Document a scope risk from a past or current project of yours and include the following:

· A description of the issue.

· Why it was a problem. Be specific on the details: days of slippage, money spent, overtime worked, scope dropped, or other consequences.

· Describe the root cause (or causes) of the problem.

Part 2: Identifying Project Schedule Risk

Complete the requirements of the attached Calamari Project.

Part 3: Identifying Project Resource Risk

Document a resource risk from a past or current project of yours and include the following:

•A description of the issue.

•Why it was a problem. Be as specific as possible: Include data on timing, cost, and other consequences of the risk.

•Describe the root cause of the problem.Forthisassignmentyouwillneedtowriteaonepagesummaryreporttoincludethefollowingsparts:Part1:IdentifyingProjectScopeRiskDocumentascoperiskfromapastorcurrentprojectofyoursandincludethefollowing:·Adescriptionoftheissue.·Whyitwasaproblem.Bespecificonthedetails:daysofslippage,moneyspent,overtimeworked,scopedropped,orotherconsequences.·Describetherootcause(orcauses)oftheproblem.Part2:IdentifyingProjectScheduleRiskCompletetherequirementsoftheattachedCalamariProject.Part3:IdentifyingProjectResourceRiskDocumentaresourceriskfromapastorcurrentprojectofyoursandincludethefollowing:•Adescriptionoftheissue.•Whyitwasaproblem.Beasspecificaspossible:Includedataontiming,cost,andotherconsequencesoftherisk.•Describetherootcauseoftheproblem.For this assignment you will need to write a one page summary report toinclude the followings parts:Part 1: Identifying Project Scope RiskDocument a scope risk from a past or current project of yours and include thefollowing: A description of the issue. Why it was a problem. Be specific on the details: days of slippage, moneyspent, overtime worked, scope dropped, or other consequences. Describe the root cause (or causes) of the problem.Part 2: Identifying Project Schedule RiskComplete the requirements of the attached Calamari Project.Part 3: Identifying Project Resource RiskDocument a resource risk from a past or current project of yours and includethe following:•A description of the issue.•Why it was a problem. Be as specific as possible: Include data on timing, cost,and other consequences of the risk.•Describe the root cause of the problem.