Scarcity Problems Watch this short video (Scarcity: The Basic Economic Problem) to help you think about this week’s discussion: Start your discussion by responding to these questions: Introduce yourse

Scarcity Problems

Watch this short video (Scarcity: The Basic Economic Problem) to help you think about this week’s discussion:

Start your discussion by responding to these questions:

  • Introduce yourself to your professor and peers. Tell your classmates about the career you are in or for which you’re preparing.(Jame Samuels 28 from new york enrolled in my bachelor’s degree.)
  • Describe a scarcity problem involving natural resources, time, or employees. What was scarce? Why was it scarce? Remember, it probably involved a tradeoff.

Continue the conversation with your peers:

  • Read one of your peer’s scarcity problems and provide an additional idea for a system to help solve their problem.

For more information, see my video on Scarcity:

For more information, see my video on Scarcity: