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London College of Fashion Level of Consumption and Rate of Expenditure Discussion


This discussion is meant to bring together multiple themes from the class that you have learned.

Affluence is typically thought of as a good thing. Having everything you need and having the ability and resources to get what you need and even want. Lets look at affluence on a different level. Affluence in this case is described as high individual consumption. Everyone in the US is affluent compared to the rest of the world. We lead the world in consumption of coffee, meat, corn, oil, gas, rubber, tin, aluminum, petroleum, plastics and water.

Most of you have stated in your assignments that you use more than you thought of many things and also waste more than you realized. We generate tons of trash, we waste millions of gallons of water, we release the most CO2. However, affluence has some advantages as well, we can afford to save species of animals that other countries must use for food. We don’t have to cut down every tree to use for fire wood. We have clean drinking water and our waterways clean.

Write 500 word discussion of your own level of affluence (high level consumption) and how that affects the environment around you and the overall affect in Kentucky and even the world if that is applicable. You can discuss both positive and negative effects. Discuss what changes you are actually willing to make (if any) and what ones you are not and why. I think it is important in life to know why we do things and why we make the choices we make (good or bad). (5 points)