Science Homework Help

Hinds Community Current and Future Challenges of the Food Industry Discussion


I need support with this Biology question so I can learn better.

Eating fast food is frequently blamed for damaging our health.

As nutrition experts point out, it is not the healthiest type of meal since it is typically high in fat and salt. More widely, it’s seen as a key factor in the growing obesity epidemic in the U.S. and throughout the world.

Food journalist, Mark Bittman sums up the sentiment succinctly:

“The ‘fact’ that junk food is cheaper than real food has become a reflexive part of how we explain why so many Americans are overweight, particularly those with lower incomes.”

Elaborate your thoughts about the current and future challenges of the food industry. 

  • Discuss contributing factors of chronic diseases in America and your opinion on whether ones self responsibility, advertising executives, or food industries are to blame.
  • Do you think that these food companies profit off of American lives and the poor health of America, especially in the state of Mississippi? 
  • How can metabolic disorders can be reduced.