Science Homework Help

UOFT Ecological Worldview Essay Questions


Essay Questions:

  1. Using the definition of worldview provided by Mark Hathaway, how has your own “ecological worldview” changed, it at all, since you began this course. In your answer, refer to the work of two authors (including guest speakers or video voices) that have affected your own ecological worldview and why.
  2. Owing to your stellar performance in this class, an anonymous donor has granted you an all-expense paid one-week trip to a nature reserve in Northern Ontario. You are allowed to bring the works of one author or guest speaker from the class. Who would it be and why? In your answer, give three clear reasons for your selections.


Reading: Melissa Nelson, “Lighting the Sun of Our Future: How These Teachings Can Provide Illumination,” #9 CP, John Mohawk, “Clear Thinking: A Positive Solitary View of Nature,” #10 CP, Scharper, “O Ye of Little Eco-Faith,” 65-67.


Thomas Berry, “The New Story”, #21 CP, Joanna Macy and Molly Young Brown, “The Basic Miracle: Our True Nature and Power,” #22 CP, Scharper, “Green Dreams: Religious Cosmologies and Environmental Commitments, 35-40 and “The Rise of Nature Deficit Disorder,” 33-34.


Reading: Scharper, “The Gaia Theory,” 68-82, Warwick Fox, “Deep Ecology: A New Philosophy for Our Times?” #6 CP, and James Lovelock, “Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth (Oxford University Press, 1979, v ii-12.) CP—this reading is unnumbered and is at the very end of the course packet.