Science Homework Help

ENV 121 Northern Virginia Community College Climate Change Discussion


Answer all the following questions:

  • Of the two main technological approaches for addressing levels of atmospheric CO2 – reducing and removing — which do you think is the most important?  In other words, which do you think will be the most effective and result in the greatest (or quickest) reduction of atmospheric CO2? 
  • Who is responsible for seeing that these and/or other technologies are advanced and implemented?  Individuals, businesses, research institutions, governments, NGOs, others? 
  • How can we make sure that there is a successful connection between science/technology and policies regarding climate change?
  • What role should the government play in achieving the goals for a reduction in the levels of GHG in the atmosphere? Do you think we, as a country, will be able to make any meaningful reductions of GHG emissions under the Trump administration?  
  • Can the UN play a meaningful role with regards to climate change? 
  • What can individuals or other groups do with the support of the government?