Science Homework Help

SCI 200 Strayer University Wk 7 Water Quality & Availability Questions


Week 7 Assignment – Water Quality and Availability


Suppose you were hiking along a stream or lake and became thirsty. Would it be safe to drink the water? In many cases, it wouldn’t. Contaminants affect freshwater on or beneath the Earth’s surface. Though the sources of these contaminants vary, all can make water unfit to drink if they are allowed to increase beyond safe limits.

In this lab, you will:

  • Analyze the results of the tests of water samples from a variety of freshwater sources.
  • Determine how to treat the water samples to make them safe to drink.

I have attached 2 documents. One document is the instructions for this assignment and the second is the template with the questions that need to be answered. Please enter the answers on the template. About a paragraph per answer if possible. If a paragraph is not needed to answer the question that’s fine. It doesn’t need to be more than a paragraph.