Science Homework Help

METR 112 Mission College Benefits of the Greenhouse Gases Questions


1. Define fuel efficiency, and list the five factors that affect it. (2 points)


2. Petroleum (crude oil) is the dominant energy source for the transportation sector, responsible for 90% of its energy use. If fuel consumption continues at its current rate, in what year will known reserves of petroleum run out? Hint: See Chapter 7 – Page 5 of the Bloom textbook. (2 points)


3. In what year(s) did the USA peak (reach a maximum) in oil production? What happened to the amount of oil imported by our country from 1980 to 2010? (2 points)


4. Name five alternative energy sources for transportation. List one benefit and one challenge of each. (2 points)


5. Which alternative energy source for transportation appeals most to you, and why? Use 3-5 sentences for your response. (2 points)