Science Homework Help

Colorado Mountain College Simulation of Singapore Population Project


I need help with a Ecology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Go to this website (Links to an external site.)

Select the free simulation. Click view curve on the top right side of the graph box. Set the simulation speed to 1.0-1.5 (this just speeds up the run).

Select a region of the world.
Run the simulation for an average lifespan (will depend on region selected but will only take a few seconds) then click stop. Note the results; not just the population itself, but the pattern in the age structure curve and the total population curve.
Reset the simulation (the easiest way I found was to refresh the page rather than click the mouse multiple times). Select the same region. Alter life expectancy by 10-12 years (does not have to be exact). Run the simulation again and note your results.
Repeat the process again altering the number of children per female by 0.5 (up or down your choice). Run the simulation and note your results.
Repeat the process a final time altering the sex ratio by 2-3% and note your results.
Complete the worksheet in the files section and the discussion post.