Science Homework Help

De Anza College Unit 2 Environmental Science & Neolithic Revolution Discussion


Please view the Unit 2 lecture PowerPoint on 3c media solutions link below

Answer the following questions by writing in the submission box. All of the questions are based only on the information discussed in the class lecture, no other resources are needed. Please read each question carefully, all parts of the question need to be answered to get full credit.

Download and review these questions BEFORE listening to the video lectures.

Quiz two questions:

1. Explain why the Neolithic Era considered the last great advancement of prehistoric humans?

2. Describe the environmental changes that were occurring during the Neolithic Era that enabled this change?

3. Describe nomadic pastoral societies, what do they require and what are the challenges they face today.

4. List the 6 different geographical places did the earliest domestication of plants occur? What did they have in common?

5. Describe the process of shifting agriculture, how long has it been around. How has shifting agriculture changed today?