Science Homework Help

UA Fun Oceanography World Tour Worksheet


Here is a sample from the HW, the rest you can find in the attached PDF (maps are provided in the PDF):

  • You will be traveling in a sailboat, so overland travel is not an option. You can, however, go through theSuez Canal or Panama Canal.
  • Your voyage must start and end in Shanghai, China (31°N, 121°E, indicated on the map at the star).
  • You must circumnavigate (go around) the world, moving in a mostly westward direction
  • Þ (it is fine to zig-zag around – north/south and east/west as

    needed – but each location must be to the west of the previous


  • You should try to sail with the wind and/or the surface currents as
  • much as possible (but we won’t take off points for using your motor!)

    Þ (See maps of atmosphere circulation and surface currents)

  • You should select 10 places that you will visit, each of which displays
  • some process or feature that we have described in this class. Five of

    these can be your choice, the other five must include:

    o Something interesting in good surfing spot

    o Something interesting in a place with an offshore wind

    o Something interesting near a coral reef

    o Something interesting near a volcano

    o Something interesting along the coast of Antarctica