Science Homework Help

MBMC Assay of Tabletop Sweeteners Using a Modified Biuret Reagent Lab Report


Experiment 11: Assay of Tabletop Sweeteners Using a
Modified Biuret Reagent

Prelab Questions

  1. What is the relationship between wave length and energy?
  2. What is the significance of spectrochemical series?
  3. Explain crystal field theory.
  4. According to the spectrochemical series, which of the following Cu atoms will have
    bigger separation between the two sets of d orbitals. Explain your reasoning?
    Cu atom in Cu2+ poured in to NaOH
    Cu atom in Cu2+ poured in to NH3
    Which one will absorb light at a higher wavelength?
  5. Why is this method called Modified Biuret Reagent?
  6. Experiment 12: Agarose gel electrophoresis
    Prelab Questions
    1. Why it is important to place the gel in the correct direction in the gel cassette while
      running it?
    2. Sketch a gel showing the running pattern of same sized DNA that is,
      Linear, circular and circular-supercoiled
    3. Sketch a gel showing the running pattern of three linear DNA pieces with 100bps, 500bps
      and 1000bps
    4. What is the importance of loading dye?
    5. What is the importance of GelRed?